How to attach a climbing plant to a wooden plank support

When it comes to maturing your houseplants, most plant parents will automatically reach for a sphagnum moss pole. Moss poles have been everyone’s go-to for years but recently, plant parents have been choosing wood over moss. 
plant growing on wooden plank by Treleaf

Rhaphidophora Hayi climbing Zella trellis by Treleaf

Growing plants on planks has quickly become the newest method to maturing plants. Planks require minimal maintenance; no daily misting, no need for purchasing a bunch of different supplies, and no shedding. It’s no wonder why people have been reaching for wood. It also has the advantage of mimicking plants' natural environment (like tree trunks) and they have a tendency to attach faster on wood than with moss poles. 

monstera in rain forest

Monstera Deliciosa leaves.
Photo by 
Julian B. Sölter on Unsplash

We discussed this and the importance of letting your plants climb more in depth in this blog. Now let’s discuss some houseplants that would thrive when given wood to climb on.


Plants perfect for climbing

Pothos: Pothos is one of the most common houseplants and often the first houseplant someone will purchase. In an everyday environment, they’re trailing plants. These vines will have lush green foliage and can have pretty thick and big leaves when left to trail. But when given the chance to climb, the foliage can grow human size and will even start to fenestrate–giving it a Monstera vibe.

Pothos trailing around floor length mirror

Pothos trailing around mirror. 
Photo by Beazy on Unsplash

Philodendron Verrucosum: Philodendron Verrucosum is an uncommon house plant that’s known for its red undersides, hairy petioles and beautiful, velvet heart shaped leaves. This plant can grow as a vine with little leaves or can triple in size when climbing. 

 Philodendron verrucosum leaf

Philodendron verrucosum leaf

Amydrium: Amydrium zippelianum is an underrated house plant that will change shapes drastically when climbing. In its mature form, the leaves will take on a palm-like shape and double in size.

amydrium leaf

Amydrium zippelianum leaf

Monstera Deliciosa: Monstera Deliciosa, and other Monstera plants, are common house plants that will grow okay on its own as one long vine. But, Monstera Deliciosa can start to put out smaller, juvenile leaves when not climbing. In its mature form, Monstera can grow around 5ft in width and have multiple splits and mid-rib fenestrations.

Monstera Deliosa Variegata being held by coco pole

Variegated Monstera Deliciosa
Photo by 
Huy Phan on Unsplash

Philodendron Melanochrysum: Philodendron Melanochrysum is another uncommon plant known for its heart shaped, velvet leaves. In its juvenile form, Melanochrysum will look similar to a Philodendron Micans but in its mature form, can grow as tall as a person. 

Philodendron melanochrysum in white pot

Philodendron Melanochrysum in white planter.
Photo by feey on Unsplash

Tips on how to get your plants to attach to a wooden plank

Start small

When it comes to growing your plant on wood, you want to attach the plant to wood as soon as possible. It will look a little comical because you’ll have a little two leaf plant on a big plank but, this will ensure your plant matures faster.


Secure the plant and aerial roots tightly to the plank

As the plant grows, you’ll want to attach any new growth to the plank and attach it as securely as possible. Plant velcro works well but tape works best. Tape ensures the nodes and aerial roots stay as close to the plank as possible which is crucial for getting a plant to attach on its own. For thinner vines, a clear hair tie can also work great.  

Increase humidity

The last trick to getting a plant to grow on a plank is to introduce humidity. Using a humidifier or placing your plants on planks in a greenhouse or cabinet will quickly help your plants climb. Anything above 50% humidity is ideal. Once the humidity is right, plants will climb anything. 

Plant leaf with water droplets

Plant leaf with water droplets.
Photo by Hope Rivers on Unsplash

Growing plants on planks gives you the opportunity to experience your plants in a whole new way. You’ll start to notice things you’ll never see if you were to grow that plant trailing or even on a moss pole. One of these things being the way plants cling to wood. They start sprouting aerial roots all along the stem and will look like little legs, hugging the plank of wood. It’s equal parts cool and weird. 

plants aerial roots climbing a wooden plank

Baltic Blue climbing wooden Zella trellis

If you haven’t grown plants on planks, take this as your sign to grab some wood and attach a plant. The Zella trellis by Treleaf is a great option. A cedar plank that's extendable and is able to grow with your plant. Now you don’t have to worry about your plant outgrowing  its plank too soon.

plant on wooden Zella trellis by Treleaf

Plant climbing Zella trellis by Treleaf

Want to learn about the difference between moss poles and planks? Click here