Interested in stocking Treleaf Trellises in your store?

Please fill the form below or send us an email at and we will get back to you soon with details on pricing and ordering. 

Alternatively you can shop our products on the wholesale marketplace Faire. If you choose to shop on Faire, please use our direct link - 


Would you like a sample of miniature trellises in our four core designs?
What products are you most interested in? (Hold CMD/CNTRL)
Place order for your sample pack using the link below. It's free!
Click Here.

Are Treleaf's plant supports a good fit for your store?

Our designs are modern and  botanically inspired, and do well with shops that have a similar aesthetic and feel. The ideal retailer already has indoor plants and pots that would make great pairings with our plant supports. 

All our products are made in USA using sustainable small batch manufacturing practices, and high quality materials. Our products do well at retailer locations that are comfortable with an average price point of $45. 

If you have customers that love botanical designs, and like to bring greenery indoors,  and are willing to pay slightly more to get quality pieces for their indoor jungle, TRELEAF products would be a great fit.