How to make a Hoya bloom

Hoyas, or wax plant, are known for their thick, waxy leaves and long vines that can reach up to 15 feet in length. The blooms of the Hoya plant appear as five-pointed stars with some species sporting what appears to be one giant ball (umbels) covered in flower petals! It's quite impressive actually when you take note how each individual blossom has its own unique coloration or scent depending on which variety it may be - some smelling strongly floral while others will fill your room only through their sweet fragrance; still more types smell somewhere between butterscotch and chocolate, while others can be quite rancid. Hoya flowering stages are also very fun to follow. The blooming Hoya have always been so magical and if you haven’t gotten a bloom yet—here are 5 quick tips to getting your Hoya to bloom. 

hoya bloom on a wooden hoop


This is the biggest factor in getting a Hoya to bloom. While Hoyas can tolerate lower light, bright light is what will get them blooming. If your Hoya has been in a low light area for a while, spend the next few weeks introducing it to bright light. It’ll slowly acclimate to the bright light without burning the foliage. If it’s under full sun or directly under a grow light, you may even notice the Hoya will start to sunstress. The leaves will start turning a pink or reddish color. This is perfectly normal!

No Cutting!

Hoyas are not your typical vining plant. They will shoot off these long vines, known as tendrils, and slowly these tendrils will start to fill out with leaves and sometimes peduncles (a stalk supporting the bloom) . So let those tendrils run wild because one of them will eventually start to bloom. 


If you want your plant to blossom, then it's important that they are fertilized often! You can check out our blog about different types of fertilizer. For blooms, a fertilizer that’s high in Phosphorus would be ideal. Phosphorus is used most when a plant is blooming so try to aim for a 1-3-1 fertilizer and fertilize often. 


While there are  some species of Hoyas that will start blooming as a tiny cutting, many species (like Linearis, Carnosa, & Obovata) prefer to be long and mature before they bloom. So try to find out the species of your Hoya and see if time is all it needs.

Change of Scenery

If you seem to have tried all the things, then maybe your Hoya plants just need a change of scenery. You can try increasing or decreasing the amount of hours your Hoya gets sunlight, the frequency in which you’re watering or even putting them in a slightly cooler or hotter temperature. 

And if all else fails, then here’s your excuse to buy another plant! Try a Hoya Lacunosa or Hoya Rebecca. These varieties are known to bloom in the early stages of life rather than waiting for maturity.

And if you're wondering "Do all Hoya flower?" The answer is yes! Doing a quick search of your specific Hoya will show you what the blooms look like. 

Other plant related plant blogs:

Click here to read our top tips for Hoya care
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infographic outlining tips for hoya flowers