Some not-so-common Hoya varieties that make great houseplants
Hoyas are a beautiful and strange plant genus with over hundreds of different species in its family. Hoya plants are known for their thick waxy lea...
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Dracaena trifasciata, or Snake plant, has a myriad of names. It was previously classified as a Sansevieria trifasciata but was reclassified to the ...
Read moreHere at Treleaf, we've had a few different locations for headquarters. It wasn't until last year, we finally found a place with windows and natural...
Read moreBrown leaves, yellow leaves, dying leaves are all different ways to keep a pulse on your plant's health. It's important to know the difference betw...
Read moreIf you found your indoor plant collection growing bigger and quickly outgrowing that corner you have them in, maybe it's time to consider creating ...
Read moreIf you noticed a sudden influx of tiny fruit flies flying or crawling around the soil of plants, especially after watering, you probably have a fun...
Read moreOne of the biggest stressors in a plant parents' life, is what to do with those indoor and outdoor plants while on vacation. You can't put your lif...
Read morePhilodendrons are a type of flowering tropical plants in the Araceae family. It's known to have been first collected as early as 1644. Since then, ...
Read moreHouseplant foliage comes in all types of shapes, sizes and colors, but the plants with heart shaped leaves are particularly beautiful. Some large f...
Read moreArrowhead plant, botanically known as Syngonium podophyllum, is a tropical plant that's native to many different regions including central and sout...
Read moreEver wanted to help your plant grow in a certain way? Or needed a way to secure vining plants to a trellis? Trellis clips, or garden clips, are you...
Read moreA shingling plant is a hemi-epiphytic plant that will press its leaves flat against a tree, trellis, wooden plank or a moss board instead of growin...
Read moreTrellises were once used as a way to add art to a garden or landscaping. In recent years, trellises have created an entire world for themselves and...
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