What Are the Different Types of Monstera: A Comprehensive Guide
Monstera plants have taken the plant world by storm, captivating plant lovers with their dramatic foliage and unique growth patterns. While the classic Monstera deliciosa, with its iconic split leaves, is the most well known, there are many other varieties, each with its own distinct charm. From the delicate, lacy leaves of the Monstera adansonii to the rare and highly sought after Monstera obliqua, these plants offer endless beauty and intrigue.
In this blog, we'll explore the different types of Monsteras, highlighting their unique features, care requirements and what makes each Monstera plant special. Whether you're a seasoned plant collector or a beginner, looking to add a Monstera to your collection, this blog will help you find the perfect variety for your indoor jungle. Let's dive into the world of Monsteras!
What is a Monstera?
Monstera is a type of flowering, epiphytic plant in the Araceae family, native to the Americas. These evergreen vines can reach heights up to 60ft by climbing trees in the tropical forests. They're most commonly called the "Swiss Cheese plant" due to the splits or holes in the leaves known as fenestrations. These fenestrations allow the leaves to spread over a greater area to increase sunlight exposure while also allowing enough light to reach the lower leaves.

A mature Variegated Monstera plant
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Monstera Types
Popular Monstera Species
Monstera deliciosa
Monstera deliciosa is the most readily available and well-known monstera species. The Monstera deliciosa, sometimes called a Split leaf philodendron, is a striking plant with large, heart shaped leaves that develop dramatic splits and oval shaped holes and the plant matures. As the glossy, deep green foliage grows, it creates a nice, lush, tropical look. When given proper care and support, the plant will climb and produce aerial roots that attach to surfaces. Its a great beginner plant for any Monstera collection.

Maturing Monstera deliciosa growing on extendable grande Zella trellis
Monstera Adansonii
Monstera adansonii, often called the Swiss cheese vines, has smaller, elongated, oval shaped leaves with distinctive holes, or fenestrations, that give it a beautiful, lacy appearance. However, unlike the Monstera deliciosa, it's leaves remain more compact and don't develop the deep splits. The plant has a vining growth habit that can trail in a hanging basket or can be grown upright on a trellis. Growing Monstera Adansonii as a climbing plant will help mature the leaves, giving the leaves more splits and bigger growth.

Monstera adansonii growing on Monstrella wooden plant support
Monstera siltepecana
Monstera siltepecana, a more uncommon Monstera, has a unique, dainty appearance with an elongated shape and a striking silvery blue sheen, in its juvenile form. The leaves have a dark green veining, giving the foliage a textured look against the silver sheen. Like the other Monstera plants, Monstera siltepecana will develop fenestrations similar to the Adansonii as it begins to climb up a trellis, or plant support. When left hanging, the foliage will keep that silver sheen but remain small.
A close up of a single Monstera siltepecana leaf
Monstera standleyana
Monstera standleyana is a distinctive tropical climber known for its long, narrow leaves. The Monstera standleyana has glossy, deep green foliage with subtle fenestrations, as it matures. This Monstera species has a unique, compact shape to it giving it a more sculptural appearance.
Variegated Monstera Varieties
Variegated Monstera deliciosa
The variegated Monstera deliciosa, sometimes called an Monstera Albo, is a fun twist on the Monstera deliciosa. It has the iconic leaves of the regular Monstera with patches of white, yellow or cream, depending on the type of variegation the Monstera has. This variegation is a genetic mutation, so if you cut and propagate a cutting, the baby Monstera Albo has a high chance of also having variegated leaves.
When growing variegated Monsteras, it's important to understand the white in the leaves is caused by a lack of chlorophyll. Depending on how much white this variegated Monstera deliciosa has, could mean your plant will grow slower. Simply put, more white will give you slower growth. But, it's well worth the wait because it's a stunning plant.
Monstera deliciosa ‘Thai Constellation’
Monstera deliciosa 'Thai Constellaion' is a stunning twist on the Monstera deliciosa. The Thai Constellation is a cultivar of the Monstera deliciosa that was lab grown. Unlike the Albo Monstera, the Thai constellation has a more stable variegation. The dark green leaves will range from creamy white to soft yellow leaves. The variegation will have streaks or patches, giving it that constellation look. The Monstera Thai Constellation was once considered a rare Monstera amongst collectors, but has grown in supply over recent years. Once a single leaf cutting would go for a couple hundred dollars, thankfully now you can get a 4in pot for well under $50.
Juvenile Monstera Thai Constellation growing on a Zella trellis
Variegated Monstera Peru
Monstera Peru probably has the most unique foliage amongst all the types of Monstera. The Monstera peru, also known as Monstera Karstenianum, have deep ripples in it, giving it a corrugated texture. The variegated Monstera Karstenianum has glossy, deep green leaves with splotches of white that look painted on.

A close up shot of the textured leaves on an all green Monstera Peru growing on
a Monstrella plant support by Treleaf
Rare and Unique Monstera Types
Monstera obliqua
Monstera obliqua, often called a unicorn plant, is one of the rare types of Monstera. Known for its extensive fenestrations. Think of a mature Monstera adansonii leaf but with more space than leaf, a more delicate, intricate version of Monstera adansonii. Monstera obliqua is native to Central and South America and is notorious for being difficult to grow. However, with lots of high humidity and proper lighting, the Monstera obliqua will grow beautifully and be a great statement piece in your Monstera collection.
Monstera pinnatipartita
Monstera pinnatipartita is a rare species that gets its name from its pinnate, feather-like mature leaves. In its juvenile form, the leaves will have a leather like look to them with yellow hues. And as the Monstera pinnatipartita matures, the yellow hue will fade and the plant becomes a more vibrant green, growing fenestrations and giving it a fern like look.
Monstera dubia
Monstera dubia is a lesser-known variegated monstera species with small heart-shaped leaves. Monstera dubia is unlike the types of Monstera previously listed as it's a shingling Monstera. In its juvenile state, it has the small, heart shaped leaves with silver and dark green venation. The leaves will lie flat against a moss pole, or trellis and shingle, and as it grows will drastically transform. The foliage becomes larger and will grow those beautiful Monstera fenestrations, giving it a completely different look. Almost like having two plants in one!
Miniature Monstera Varieties
Mini Monstera, actually categorized as Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma, is not in the Monstera family but is an honorary Monstera that’s actually part of the Rhaphidophora genus. The Mini monstera, has a compact, vining growth habit. The Mini Monstera foliage has small to medium sized leaves, with deep splits resembling the Monstera deliciosa. It's a fun, vining Monstera deliciosa.

Mini Monstera growing on the Zella trellis
Monstera's love climbing - and giving the right support helps them thrive and grow those beautiful fenestrated leaves. The Zella trellis from Treleaf is a great support for Monsteras as the aerial roots love to get attached to the cedar. And the best part, you can extend them upwards and sideways as your plants start to grow.