Plant Clips, Ties, Velcro or Twine | Best ways to secure your plant to trellises


Ever wanted to help your plant grow in a certain way? Or needed a way to secure vining plants to a trellis? Trellis clips, or garden clips, are your answer! They come in various different sizes and are made from heaps of different materials.

Garden twine is also a gentle alternative to harder materials for securing plants to trellises, helping to train climbing plants without damaging tender vines.

garden bed

Garden bed
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

These type of garden clips are most popularly used for plants like tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and flowers. However, plant clips are versatile and drastically help when growing indoor plants. Especially if you use different plant supports or other trellising methods.

Plastic garden clips

Plastic garden clips come in various different colors, shapes and sizes. Plastic plant clips are best because of their quick release feature. To unclip a plant, you’ll simply have to open the clip and release the stems. This quick release method saves time, as well. I recommend plastic garden clips for plants with flexible stems that don’t need to be tightly secured to the trellis.

plastic garden clips

Plastic garden clip holding plant on trellis

Metal twine

Metal twine often comes in a roll that you would have to cut to size. Metal twine isn't really a great option for securing plants because of its difficulty. And the possibility of cutting yourself when handling your plant.

metal diy trellis

Metal DIY plant support
Photo by Sarah Bronske on Unsplash


Plant velcro

Plant velcro is another type of plant clip I love and recommend. Plant velcro comes in a roll that you need to cut to size. And it's really easy to wrap around the stems of a plant and secure it to your plant supports. It's perfect for reusing on other plants as well. And it's gentle on plants so you don't have to worry about damaging the stems.

plant velcro holding plant on trellis by Treleaf

Plant velcro holding plant on trellis by Treleaf

Fabric twine

Fabric twine is similar to plant velcro. It comes in different types of fabric and can be found in art supply stores. It'll need to be cut to size and tied to its trellis. When you're done with fabric twine, you'll need to cut it off a trellis, making it not the best option for reuse but still gets the job done!

blue ribbons

Three blue ribbons

Photo by Fiona Murray on Unsplash

Rubber band

Rubber bands are a great option for getting a plant to lay right up against the trellis. This is a great option for climbing plants since the node needs to be close to a trellis in order to attach.

shingling plant with rubber bands

Rhaphidophora hayi with rubber bands on Zella trellis

Read here to see What is a trellis.

Why use trellis clips?

        1. Helps maximize space. Using trellis clips and plant supports can help control the growth pattern of a plant. It’s a great way of training a plant to grow more streamline and not take up a lot of space. This helps a lot when you have a lot of plants or a smaller space. The climbing habit of vines allows them to grow upwards, maximizing vertical space in your garden.

        2. Helps plants reach maturity. When certain houseplants are given the chance to grow up and climb a trellis, they can easily start giving bigger, more mature growth. Flowering vines, in particular, can enhance garden aesthetics and contribute to plant maturity by adding color and structure.

        3. Trellis clips can be reused for all sorts of plants. This doesn’t apply for all the plant ties we mentioned, but most can be reused for multiple different plants and multiple different supports. Helps save money and reduce waste. The versatility of trellis clips makes them ideal for growing plants, as they can be reused for different types of plants. Many plants are natural climbers and can grow vertically on trellises with minimal assistance.

        monstera leaves
        Monstera leaves
        Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash